At higher and higher levels of dreaming (supraconscious), one becomes more and more the witness of spontaneous lucid dream experiences...One experiences the spontaneous flow of creating-lucid dreaming. This higher state of lucid dreaming, is analogous to the “flow” state of the artist, such as a composer receiving the music composition flowing from “above” into his mind and brain, or the athlete, such as the runner in the flow, without thought and with less and less mental effort needed for each movement.
Traditional training in lucid dreaming, as traditional training in music composition, prepares one for the spontaneous flow state. The dreamer though eventually lets go in those higher states or collaborates with the impulse received from above. In higher lucid dream states the dreamer receives both powers of lucidity as well as powers and direction of creative dream activity – these being powers of the soul and the Self.
The flow experience, or lucid-dream spanda experience, over time with practice, becomes a merging or fusion of the lucid dream ego’s will or intent with that of the soul or Self, the ultimate source of all dreaming. The lower will and intent of the lucid dreamer – rather than being one of lower-ego control or curiosity for changing the dream for various personal reasons or expectations – becomes one of accepting the higher direction and guidance of the soul or Self; the dreamer thus, experiences surprising lucid dream experiences, with much greater power and feeling in one’s personal and collective life.
Creativity enters a higher level of expression with greater social and spiritual significance. Healing dreams become ones of greater power and greater or far-wider impact on self and others. One may begin to experience more frequent lucid-mutual dreams, since the dream states acquired are expanded into the collective source of consciousness. But we must participate in expanding and heightening the consciousness, through our own training or discipline, to be more receptive to the spontaneous dream-flow experiences, and to be able to “hold-them” and manifest them in daily life.
Traditional training in lucid dreaming, as traditional training in music composition, prepares one for the spontaneous flow state. The dreamer though eventually lets go in those higher states or collaborates with the impulse received from above. In higher lucid dream states the dreamer receives both powers of lucidity as well as powers and direction of creative dream activity – these being powers of the soul and the Self.
The flow experience, or lucid-dream spanda experience, over time with practice, becomes a merging or fusion of the lucid dream ego’s will or intent with that of the soul or Self, the ultimate source of all dreaming. The lower will and intent of the lucid dreamer – rather than being one of lower-ego control or curiosity for changing the dream for various personal reasons or expectations – becomes one of accepting the higher direction and guidance of the soul or Self; the dreamer thus, experiences surprising lucid dream experiences, with much greater power and feeling in one’s personal and collective life.
Creativity enters a higher level of expression with greater social and spiritual significance. Healing dreams become ones of greater power and greater or far-wider impact on self and others. One may begin to experience more frequent lucid-mutual dreams, since the dream states acquired are expanded into the collective source of consciousness. But we must participate in expanding and heightening the consciousness, through our own training or discipline, to be more receptive to the spontaneous dream-flow experiences, and to be able to “hold-them” and manifest them in daily life.