The first principe of Shamana Dream Work is progressively dreaming in higher states of consciousness – over time remembering those deeper or higher dream states and bringing their effects and activities into awake consciousness
The goal is to dream centered, as in meditation, so that one receives inspiration from the higher dream states. In dreaming in higher states we can receive inspiration from our inner being, the soul, and even see the past, the present and the future. One then can, as dreaming, heal the past, empower the present, and transform the physical nature and body and one’s future.
Dreams of the present show us or reflect to us our state and activities, much like a mirror, showing us our inner and outer progress and growth in all aspects of life. Dreams of the present moment empower us by giving us the opportunity to align with our soul, its “desires” and our life purpose. Such dreams are an empowerment, giving the soul easier access to us (our mind, body and feeling nature). The soul responds to our attention to it and our intention of alignment with it, pouring and streaming its powers, its vision, and its vitality upon us, which we can access in dreaming.
Dreaming-in-the-moment (not about the past or future), is our “center point” to borrow a phrase. It gives us greater awareness (consciousness) of our connections, the good, the bad and the neutral relationships. Dreaming-in-the-moment gives us the opportunity and wisdom to make right choices (in and out of the dream state), and when right choices are made these dreams of centering-under-soul empower us as they guide us – like a beacon. Dreams of Light, coming from soul when dreaming in alignment with soul, the inner-core being, are protective and transforming. They assist breaking up old pattern, and old or bad relationships that need to be discarded, dissolved or changed.
Dreaming-in-the-moment, by entering sleep and dreams while focusing on the inner-spiritual heart center while aspiring for soul-guidance dreams, gives us greater connections both in the inner-dream world and the outer world. By taking us into subtler states of awareness and ultimately into a deep rest within the soul, where thoughts, emotions and dreams subside, we become connected with our universal nature and our universal center. Higher-state dreams and deep sleep thus build our connection with nature, others, and are a bridge to our Higher Self.
So, higher-state dreams and deep, soul sleep makes us more alive rather than lethargic, overcoming feelings of dullness on awakening. Higher state dreams tap our creative energy source.
In following posts we will explore briefly the various types of dreams of the past, and then dreams of the future. We will also talk about dreams of harmony. These four dream categories of the past, of the present, the future and of harmony are empowering movements of soul that emerge in higher dreaming. There are many ways these four major types of higher dreams can be classified and infinitely experienced, but for now we will describe them as:
We then will talk about some of the key principles of transforming sleep and dreams into higher dream states for creativity, inspiration, self-healing and soul-direction.
Paul Overman, Ph.D. ©
The goal is to dream centered, as in meditation, so that one receives inspiration from the higher dream states. In dreaming in higher states we can receive inspiration from our inner being, the soul, and even see the past, the present and the future. One then can, as dreaming, heal the past, empower the present, and transform the physical nature and body and one’s future.
Dreams of the present show us or reflect to us our state and activities, much like a mirror, showing us our inner and outer progress and growth in all aspects of life. Dreams of the present moment empower us by giving us the opportunity to align with our soul, its “desires” and our life purpose. Such dreams are an empowerment, giving the soul easier access to us (our mind, body and feeling nature). The soul responds to our attention to it and our intention of alignment with it, pouring and streaming its powers, its vision, and its vitality upon us, which we can access in dreaming.
Dreaming-in-the-moment (not about the past or future), is our “center point” to borrow a phrase. It gives us greater awareness (consciousness) of our connections, the good, the bad and the neutral relationships. Dreaming-in-the-moment gives us the opportunity and wisdom to make right choices (in and out of the dream state), and when right choices are made these dreams of centering-under-soul empower us as they guide us – like a beacon. Dreams of Light, coming from soul when dreaming in alignment with soul, the inner-core being, are protective and transforming. They assist breaking up old pattern, and old or bad relationships that need to be discarded, dissolved or changed.
Dreaming-in-the-moment, by entering sleep and dreams while focusing on the inner-spiritual heart center while aspiring for soul-guidance dreams, gives us greater connections both in the inner-dream world and the outer world. By taking us into subtler states of awareness and ultimately into a deep rest within the soul, where thoughts, emotions and dreams subside, we become connected with our universal nature and our universal center. Higher-state dreams and deep sleep thus build our connection with nature, others, and are a bridge to our Higher Self.
So, higher-state dreams and deep, soul sleep makes us more alive rather than lethargic, overcoming feelings of dullness on awakening. Higher state dreams tap our creative energy source.
In following posts we will explore briefly the various types of dreams of the past, and then dreams of the future. We will also talk about dreams of harmony. These four dream categories of the past, of the present, the future and of harmony are empowering movements of soul that emerge in higher dreaming. There are many ways these four major types of higher dreams can be classified and infinitely experienced, but for now we will describe them as:
- dreams of power itself which give us strength and the power of carrying out will and intent, which also assist overcoming depression, low-drive, and feelings of weakness while giving us “vision” for moving forward towards our destiny or life purpose;
- dreams of intelligence or knowledge – creative moment-to-moment direction and inspiration for right action and "delightful" living – showing us the right time and means for work, love, art and spirituality;
- dreams of expanded consciousness or awareness, ultimately experienced as love and “knowingness” – loving and knowing the other, whether it is a plant, an animal, a pet, another human, or spiritual Guardian.
- and dreams of mutuality or harmony, working with all of life in synergy.
We then will talk about some of the key principles of transforming sleep and dreams into higher dream states for creativity, inspiration, self-healing and soul-direction.
Paul Overman, Ph.D. ©