One morning shortly after meeting him I had an intuition as I awoke that came, as intuitions do, out-of-the-blue. The inner impulse was to ask Robyn how it would be possible to get hold of a puppy of Frasier’s for she had told me he currently had a litter they were training. So, I asked her through a communication from Mary, and shortly later I received a response that Robyn would work it out so I could have one of Frasier’s puppies. I received information as to the fee and conditions, as I intended to use one of his puppies as an assistant therapy dog for traumatized children. I was told it would have to be a female.
That night after these communications, as I was drifting into the dream state, an image of the face of Robyn came into my left-front visual field. From space at a distance diagonally off of her right shoulder came running a tall, lanky Golden Retriever. He was leaping and bounding all the way. He came past her and towards me. His coat was blond and curly and his paws huge. He came with great speed. He was wearing a backpack with rockets mounted along his sides, looking like a super-hero in some movie. Only later did I learn that Robin’s company for breeding and training assistance dogs was called Power Paws.
As he came to me, he leaped placing a paw on each of my shoulders. I felt his paws and his energy through the soft, fleshy part of my shoulders below the collarbones. As he stared at me, he twisted his body somewhat to the right...communicating with his eyes, “See, I’m male.”
Then, he pushed himself off, jumping back to the ground, and ran rather far off to the front and right of me. He turned and looked back at me, and then looked to the right-back space diagonally off of my left shoulder. He gave a thundering bark. He barked at something behind me out of my view. I turned and saw a small suspicious looking man in the space of the room behind me – in the subtle energy space of the room. I knew he should not be there, just as one knows an intruder in one’s house is not meant to be there, so I sent him on his way.
I was amazed this dog that just entered my consciousness in the dream state was warning me, just as he might in the waking world, as if he were the dog of a house warning his master. He seemed proud of his accomplishment or warning, and then moved off into the distance.