Meditation on Dawn is an exquisite, sixteen-minute, premier-audio, deep guided meditation. Soothing instruction is supported by meditative tones and calm breathing pattern, synchronized to consciousness-expanding, synthesized sounds of gentle ocean surf – created to harmonize heart, mind and spirit. This meditation was created and released after years of refinement from yoga-inspired visual contemplations and meditation principles, consciousness research and a special soma-acoustic composition to create inner-balance. It is an integration of ancient and modern meditation principles for quieting the mind, increasing awareness, freeing the breath, and opening the heart for rejuvenating energies.
The goal of this meditation – what it can do for you: Meditation on Dawn, using archetypal imagery and the energies of the breath, can assist you in feeling and harmonizing the rejuvenating energies of the subtle elements of nature – of fire (the sun and its light) and water (the ocean and its expansive feeling effect). Through focusing techniques, Meditation on Dawn helps align and energize four meditative centers of the body, for deeper self-reflection and contemplation. It can assist creative thought, deeper inspiration and greater mindfulness.
Background: Meditation on Dawn is based on principles of yoga dharanas – meditating by focusing on objects or images to expand, heighten and open consciousness to one's universal source and energies of the inner self. It is designed to assist widening your feeling nature, and calming your emotions symbolized by the ocean waves.
Archetypal-Natural Imagery: Water expands consciousness, opening us to healing elements of nature. The purifying or washing-away of stress, or negativity, by water and its flow and waves is synchronized in this meditation with the purifying illuminating energies of golden light of the higher mind, in alignment with soul. The soul is represented or manifested in the image and form of the sun, our inner light of consciousness and inner guide, in waking and dreaming.
This audio program and its scripted text is a copyright of Paul Overman, PhD. A pro-license version in a product package for commercial use – for workshops or yoga-meditation classes –will be available soon.
Instructions: 1) Use this especially in the morning, or anytime up until 4:00 PM, in a comfortable position such as in a lounge chair. 2) This meditation is ideally done flat, on one's back, with legs slightly parted, and with feet pivoting on the heals separate with toes pointing outward, the feet leaning to the floor through their own weight. Let your arms rest, with palms upward, slightly outward from your body. 3) For comfort, and enhanced alignment you can use a small neck cushion, such as made from a soft rolled towel, letting the head, though, rest on on the same level of the mat, carpet or mattress supporting your body.
Yoga Principles of Meditation on Dawn
In yoga tradition, this position is called "Shavasana." Several minutes, or more, of Shavasana is valuable to finish a hatha yoga routine. When done with Meditation on Dawn, especially after morning yoga – or morning meditation – you have a rejuvenating contemplation, releasing any heaviness of the night, and preparing you for the day. In yoga and mediation, as well as spiritual healing traditions, transformation, wellness and longevity involve four key principles: 1) expanding awareness; 2) deepening the connection with our inner-core and being; and 3) opening our consciousness to higher, inner, rejuvenating and transforming energies; harmonizing feelings, actions, and subtle energies with nature and the universe. Meditation on Dawn can help set our "rhythm" for the day.
Mornings feel rejuvenating when we are "up-with-the-sun." Dawn is time for contemplation, reflection, rising our energies for new creative activity of the emerging day. The emerging day is our immediate future. So, meditating in morning, whether, actual dawn time, or anytime, can create inner peace, a sense of mind-body-spirit harmony, self-reflection and soulfulness. It helps us live in the moment.
One can also go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shavasana for more information on Shavasana pose in yoga practice.
Mornings feel rejuvenating when we are "up-with-the-sun." Dawn is time for contemplation, reflection, rising our energies for new creative activity of the emerging day. The emerging day is our immediate future. So, meditating in morning, whether, actual dawn time, or anytime, can create inner peace, a sense of mind-body-spirit harmony, self-reflection and soulfulness. It helps us live in the moment.
One can also go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shavasana for more information on Shavasana pose in yoga practice.
Credit is given to Takayuki Nakamura for use of his software Nagi #2 to generate meditative tones, to accompany the synthesized ocean sounds, for Meditation on Dawn.
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