Tele-Talk Series to be announced!
with Guided Meditations
for Living Under Guidance of Soul
by Paul Overman, PhD
Each tele-talk is a combination of: teaching principles, and if time, brief experiential guided visualizations or meditations called "Shamana Dharanas” or "Shamana Meditations."
These webinar talks are a combination of: teaching principles, and experiential guided visualizations or meditations called "Shamana Dharanas” or "Shamana Meditations." Time is given for Questions & Answers. All questions may not have time to be answered, but Paul will attempt to answer as many as possible in the following week through personal communication.Shamana
Shamana Life is an integral spiritual approach to wellness and self-healing. It is based on meditative traditions, dreaming traditions and healing traditions rooted in knowledge of our mind-body-spirit energies, which make us what we are, and which empower us, heal us, and guide and support us in our lives.
In this work inner healing involves dissolving negative subtle energies and harmonizing disordered energies – balancing and aligning life energies with the soul's flow of life force and its goals of life. Consciousness expansion, mind-full focus and harmonizing breath are guided and supported. Shamana, or samana, as derived from"saman" in the East refers to the balancing breath, its energy called prana, and its inner-movement that creates wellness and harmony for enjoying a long and fruitful life. It's deeper root "sama" means equal or balance. We must balance all aspects of life. It implies being in harmony with all of life, what has been called the "universal soul," creating a balance with others and nature –we becoming the balancing point. In Shamana Heart & Soul Meditations one is guided into inner-healing states of consciousness – through the breath and gentle focusing – for harmonizing mind and body through "cascading" energies of soul, insight or "light" of consciousness. Come back soon for Paul's upcoming stories: the immortal sage-crow, who mastered the breath to diminish sorrow, illness and death; the first, heavenly hound who became the seeker of foreknowledge, intuition and the Light of the soul. |
Drop-in for One of Paul's Noon Time TalksIf you would like to register for a Drop-in-Talk, click on the event title.
Seeking ShamanaSeeking Shamana is seeing things hidden, but secretly affecting and guiding us.
Seeking Shamana is living for and with others – for collective power, joy and harmony. Seeking Shamana is exploring life and nature around us for self-discovery, higher creativity and personal and social transformation. Seeking Shamana is living "under guidance of soul" – living in harmony through listening to the Universal Soul and its natural world. |