Paul Overman, PhD
Paul's Podcast is Coming Soon!
This is a test, and not a podcast. It is testing the podcast player integrated into this web page.
It is a recording created for inner healing by a request from a colleague, at the time ill.
Dawn is a time, a medium, and a source for inspiration and starting anew, or beginning new projects - or creating new directions.
The sun is the source and symbol of rejuvenation, healing, and empowerment.
The fire of the sun and water of the ocean and streams are our sources of life - and our energies for healing.
The recording was to be re-recored and enhanced; but time has not allowed.
It is a recording created for inner healing by a request from a colleague, at the time ill.
Dawn is a time, a medium, and a source for inspiration and starting anew, or beginning new projects - or creating new directions.
The sun is the source and symbol of rejuvenation, healing, and empowerment.
The fire of the sun and water of the ocean and streams are our sources of life - and our energies for healing.
The recording was to be re-recored and enhanced; but time has not allowed.