Dreaming Under Guidance of SoulOur inner being, our soul, is constantly adjusting our personal wishes and desires, correcting our actions and decisions, and teaching us the nature of reality around us as well as our personal world. The inner witness, the dream witness, works to transform and align our personal desires with the deepest desires of our soul. By “divining” and listening to the inner witness or psychic being of the soul we come to know the powers playing through us in our daily lives and in our dreaming lives.
It has been said that unless we know ourselves at all levels – including that of the subtle or dream body, the soul or spiritual self – we cannot really know ourselves or others. If there is a significant lacking of such knowingness, and if we become lonely our loneliness will continue until we become one with all of life including and especially with those benevolent “lives” in our dreaming world and spiritual world. If not such knowingness, suffering, pain and sorrow will continue until we become one in sympathetic rapport with all of life in the waking and dream worlds. Of most importance is to be at one or at peace with all of life. This is the teachings of the true seers of all great spiritual traditions, of shamans, of healers, as well as yogic masters. We can be out of tune with our higher spiritual impulses, the impulse to be expanded universally, or out of tune with our intuition or knowingness – or out of tune with nature intelligence and cycles. All these out-of-rhythms can contribute to low energy, feelings of despondency, or even depression – or sadness or deep sorrow. So, we need a "science of harmony," of living-in-harmony – by meditating, living and dreaming under guidance of soul. |
The mandala above
is the symbol of the work of Paul Overman, PhD and his Shamana and The Dream Listener programs. One can practice "samadhi of the dream state" – Dreaming Under Guidance of Soul – in waking-dream states through "shamana" guided mediations.