Dreaming the Subtle BodyThe ancients teach we dream in a dream body, a subtle body that experiences the dream world.
It can be trained and consciously developed. When we train our dream body to be flexible in dreaming, to be open to receiving or giving greater qualities of life, feeling, thought and energy, it is similar to yoga of the body, hatha yoga. Hatha yoga and this form of dream yoga both give us greater energy, and greater peace of mind. Both prepare us for deeper experience, deeper capacity and expanded work in the world. In fact, both can be integrated and taught in synergy. When physical postures such as hatha yoga, proper sleep postures, enhanced dreaming abilities and samadhi of the dream are integrated with meditation and mindfullness, there is then an Integral Dream Yoga for mastering life and dreams. An Integral Dream Yoga, such as Samana Dream Yoga, has the goals of: physical-well being; deeper connection with the inner soul for receiving deeper inspired dreams, higher-creative dreams, empowerment, self-healing, deeper self-awareness and understanding. The rewards can be clearer life direction; greater connection with all of life inspiring us to true service; and self-healing for wellness and longevity so we can acquire the power and time to achieve our life's goals. Integral Dream Yoga integrates the breath, with focus and intention for entering sleep and higher dreams. The "center" of the breath is the subtle-heart space, which meditators experience within the chest wall and outside of the chest wall. In Samana Dream Yoga individuals are instructed to breathe with a gentle flowing breath in the feeling-heart center, and to use this form of meditation or concentration to create sleep and enter dreams. The breath aligns the individual to the true inner-pulses of soul or Self. When putting the body to sleep and entering dreams on the power of a gentle, rhythmic breath, and rising in consciousness, the inner self can have a more active role in guiding the individual and infusing the individual with its qualities and unique powers. This is a key principle for transformational dreaming – to learn to raise the consciousness to higher levels of the feeling nature and mind, into the intuitive nature to receive inspiration; and into true deep sleep for nightly rejuvenation. |
Widening and Enhancing Awareness for DreamingSamana Dream-Mentorng facilitates Deeper-Higher Dreaming for deeper connection to Self, Others and Creation.