"The shaman's tools and agents are meditation, dreams, creative visions, nature, and inner guidance."
– Paul Overman, PhD
Dream Listening™

Upcoming Dream Listening™ Program
This program will be based on the original Inspired Program of Paul Overman, PhD, a sophisticated training program for enhancing inspired creativity, inspired waking-dreams and for mindful night dreams. With detailed guided meditations and mental exercises to assist developing inner perceptions, inner listening, and deeper dreaming this program's techniques have been used for decades by dreamers and creative persons alike.
The Dream Listening audio program can inspire higher, creative, spiritual dreams and assist in dream understanding.
This program will be based on the original Inspired Program of Paul Overman, PhD, a sophisticated training program for enhancing inspired creativity, inspired waking-dreams and for mindful night dreams. With detailed guided meditations and mental exercises to assist developing inner perceptions, inner listening, and deeper dreaming this program's techniques have been used for decades by dreamers and creative persons alike.
The Dream Listening audio program can inspire higher, creative, spiritual dreams and assist in dream understanding.
Hawaii symbolizes harmony of heaven and earth, as a Cross-cultural and Integral Place, embracing East-West mind-body-spiritual living - for fulfilling life's goals, living in harmony
with nature, and creating a
greater ecology for our children,
our future generations.
We had been designing a program to offer in Hawaii, but with the current Coronaviurs outbreak that, of course, is indefinitely delayed. We will be exploring other ideas of "honoring Hawaii" and its tradition of healing this earth.
with nature, and creating a
greater ecology for our children,
our future generations.
We had been designing a program to offer in Hawaii, but with the current Coronaviurs outbreak that, of course, is indefinitely delayed. We will be exploring other ideas of "honoring Hawaii" and its tradition of healing this earth.
Samana Dreaming is seeing things hidden, but secretly affecting and guiding us.
Samana Dreaming is dreaming for and with others – to have peace and harmony.
Samana Dreaming is exploring life and nature around you for self-discovery.
Samana Dreaming is seeking and listening to your soul and your Higher Self.
Samana Dreaming is dreaming for and with others – to have peace and harmony.
Samana Dreaming is exploring life and nature around you for self-discovery.
Samana Dreaming is seeking and listening to your soul and your Higher Self.

Transforming the Emotional Life in Dreams: Encountering, Conquering and Transforming the Shadow. Power of Peace in Healing. Healing Principles of Emotional Harmony.
Transforming the Mind in Dreams: Soulful Dream Analysis and Dream Interpretation, Spiritual-Harmony Symbols, and Following Soul Signs for New Directions.
Yoga, Healing & Shamanism: – Harmony of Heaven, Earth and Nature in Healing
Transforming the Mind in Dreams: Soulful Dream Analysis and Dream Interpretation, Spiritual-Harmony Symbols, and Following Soul Signs for New Directions.
Yoga, Healing & Shamanism: – Harmony of Heaven, Earth and Nature in Healing
Healing the Past in Dreams, Meditation and Nature: Dream Assistance in Sorrow & Grief, Fear & Guilt, Shame & Separation, Loss and Longing; Dreams of Ancestors
Spiritually Empowering the Present in Dreaming: Four Powers of Soul for True Purpose and Action, Spiritual Freedom, Pleasure & Happiness, and Wealth & Prosperity
Transforming the Future in Dreams: Nature of DreamTime, Probability, Future Self, and Premonitions.
Spiritually Empowering the Present in Dreaming: Four Powers of Soul for True Purpose and Action, Spiritual Freedom, Pleasure & Happiness, and Wealth & Prosperity
Transforming the Future in Dreams: Nature of DreamTime, Probability, Future Self, and Premonitions.
2018 Shamana™Tele-Talks by Paul Overman, Ph.D.
– a Webinar Series
Each Saturday morning webinar is a combination of: teaching principles, and at times, experiential guided visualizations and meditations called "Shamana Dharanas.” Opportunity for Q&A. Questions, which are submitted by text messages, is provided during webinars over thirty-minutes. There may not be time to answer all questions. Those not answered during the webinar will be responded to privately the week after the webinar.
Soul-Medicine: Aligning Life with Soul through Guided Meditations, Higher Dreaming, and Inspiration
Paul's guidance work has been described as heart and soul healing. Meditation, dream, and nature or eco-spirituality are "complimentary healing" methods or approaches to health, healing and longevity. Adjunct approaches to healing are sometimes called complimentary medicine. Complimentary healing can be physical in nature, emotional, mental or spiritual.
Early-time priests were healers as well as teachers and guides, using such tools of their trade in giving spiritual direction or guidance, while mending minds and bodies. Past and modern "shamans" have at times called themselves "medicine men" and "medicine women", and spirit-medicine was always the most powerful of their methods.
Soul Medicine has always been the spiritual healing power of meditation, dreams and nature, eco-spirituality.
Complimentary-medicine research in meditation, mind-fullness and energy healing has reinforced the validity of these ancient healing disciplines and healing arts, practiced by many indigenous healers. The word medicine has roots, meaning having the "capacity to heal." All healing ultimately is an "inner healing," of the body and mind, through harmony of heart and soul. This recognition, reality and principle is the basis of Paul's life and work in assisting inner-healing through Soul Guidance, integrating meditation, dreams, and inspired-creativity through resonance with soul, creating "harmony with heaven and earth" – spiritual medicine as light-of-soul.
Paul Overman, PhD, for over thirty-five years, has been developing his Soul-Life Guidance and Heart & Soul Healing Programs – complimentary-health, guided inner-healing, lucid-insight meditations – for living a joyful, long and prosperous life.
Alternative approaches to healing are sometimes called complimentary medicine or "alternative medicine." Complimentary or alternative healing can be physical in nature, emotional, mental or spiritual. Alternative medicine research in meditation and other disciplines or modalities – such as energy healing – have reinforced the validity of various ancient healing disciplines and healing arts, practiced by many indigenous healers,
who in some traditions have been called "medicine men" and "medicine women". The word medicine has roots in the meaning to have "capacity to heal." The early "priests" were "healers," as well as teachers and guides – as are true medicine men and women, shamans and other spiritual-energy healing guides.
All healing ultimately is an "inner healing," of the body and mind, through harmony of heart and soul. This recognition, reality and principle is the basis of Paul's life and work in assisting clients Soul-Life Guidance, integrating meditation, dreams, and inspired-creativity – through assisting clients in creating or tapping inner "resonance" with soul, ""harmony of heaven and earth."
The missing elements of pharmaceutical medicine, physical-manipulative medicine, nutritional and herbal medicine
have been in the West their "complimentary" aspects of meditation, dreams and spiritual ecology
– the missing medicines of the healing arts of spiritual potential. We need all sides of medicine in concert: biologic medicine, physical medicine, psychological "medicine"of the psychotherapist, and spiritual-energy medicine of the soul.
Paul's guidance process focuses on "Listening to Soul" through inspired creative expression, through the inner-dream life, in meditative self awareness, and in the presence of "nature's intelligence" and nurturance – all creating a quiet, peaceful mind, feeling of inner joy, soul-felt purpose, and deep "insight" to our relationship with others and the earth.
Alternative approaches to healing are sometimes called complimentary medicine or "alternative medicine." Complimentary or alternative healing can be physical in nature, emotional, mental or spiritual. Alternative medicine research in meditation and other disciplines or modalities – such as energy healing – have reinforced the validity of various ancient healing disciplines and healing arts, practiced by many indigenous healers,
who in some traditions have been called "medicine men" and "medicine women". The word medicine has roots in the meaning to have "capacity to heal." The early "priests" were "healers," as well as teachers and guides – as are true medicine men and women, shamans and other spiritual-energy healing guides.
All healing ultimately is an "inner healing," of the body and mind, through harmony of heart and soul. This recognition, reality and principle is the basis of Paul's life and work in assisting clients Soul-Life Guidance, integrating meditation, dreams, and inspired-creativity – through assisting clients in creating or tapping inner "resonance" with soul, ""harmony of heaven and earth."
The missing elements of pharmaceutical medicine, physical-manipulative medicine, nutritional and herbal medicine
have been in the West their "complimentary" aspects of meditation, dreams and spiritual ecology
– the missing medicines of the healing arts of spiritual potential. We need all sides of medicine in concert: biologic medicine, physical medicine, psychological "medicine"of the psychotherapist, and spiritual-energy medicine of the soul.
Paul's guidance process focuses on "Listening to Soul" through inspired creative expression, through the inner-dream life, in meditative self awareness, and in the presence of "nature's intelligence" and nurturance – all creating a quiet, peaceful mind, feeling of inner joy, soul-felt purpose, and deep "insight" to our relationship with others and the earth.
IASD Presentations
IASD’s Yearly Conferences and IASD's Online PsiberDreaming Conferences
Paul's special interests are: the role of meditation, creativity and dreams for finding life-purpose, self expression, self-healing and self-fulfillment.
Dr. Overman obtained his doctoral degree from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco, California in cross-cultural Integral Counseling, a Transpersonal Psychology program. His Masters Degree is from the University of Dayton in Clinical Psychology. |