“Through the study of dreams, one achieves steadfastness and peace of mind.”
– Patanjali; The Yoga Sutras
– Patanjali; The Yoga Sutras
Safe Lucid DreamingThis page is currently being constructed and written, so please come back.
The mandala above is the symbol of Paul Overman, PhD
and his Integral Dreaming & Shamana Dream Work. Samana Lucid Dreaming is seeing things hidden, but secretly affecting and guiding us.
Samana Lucid Dreaming is dreaming for and with others – to have peace and harmony. Samana Lucid Dreaming is exploring life and nature around you for self-discovery through their "dream fields" around you. Samana Lucid Dreaming is seeking and listening to your soul and your Higher Self, while "living in" the dream world, while dreaming. |